How to get rid of dandruff?


7 ways to get rid of dandruff

How to get rid of dandruff
Dandruff on scalp.

Dandruff is one of the most notorious problem that is spreading day by day. It is caused by a fungus named as Malassezia. If its growth increase than normal it cause shedding of dead skin of your scalp. That dead skin is called dandruff. It causes itching in your head. A person having dandruff in his head is mostly considered as hygiene compromised in our society.

Following are some ways to get rid of dandruff:

Prescribed shampoos.

There are many different kind s of shampoos in the market that have specific formulas to treat dandruff in the head. Some of them are as follow:

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Ketoconazole shampoo

It is used to treat seborrheic dermatitis (scaly area on your scalp). To treat dandruff use 1% ketoconazole shampoo while to treat sun fungus use 2% ketoconazole shampoo. Sometimes it may cause little hair loss or headache.

How to get rid of dandruff
Ketoconazole shampoo.

Fluocinolone shampoos

Used to treat dandruff but mainly treat swelling, itching, redness and flaking caused by dandruff. It have corticosteroid in it. Avoid its contact with your skin.

Pyrithione zinc shampoos

Zinc pyrithione is active ingredient of many shampoos available in the market. This ingredient is a mild irritant.

Salicylic acid based shampoos

Salicylic acid is beta hydroxy acid that help in removing excess oil and dead cells from your scalp. It break the bonds between dead cell and scalp.

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Avoid stress to get rid of dandruff.

Stress does not directly cause dandruff but long term stress may affect your immune system and causes the growth of fungus. Stress also result in production of certain hormones that causes dryness and dried scalp is more prone to dandruff than moisturized. So try to overcome stress as much as possible.

How to get rid of dandruff
Meditation to avoid stress.

Natural oils

Oils are best known for their moisturizing abilities. So they can also be proved in getting rid from dandruff. Following are some very good oils for avoiding dandruff:

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is very practical for avoiding dryness of scalp. Its nutritious abilities also minimize dehydration that further prevent dandruff.

Tea tree oil

It is also highly known for its abilities to treat different diseases just like pimples. In case of dandruff it is also proved beneficial. It fight with specific strains of fungus. It is also used in shampoos in calculated concentration.

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Use aloe vera to get rid of dandruff.

One of the best and natural moisturizer is aloe vera. It is used in many items of cosmetics. It application will treat dryness of scalp. Moreover, its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial abilities restrict the growth of dandruff causing species of fungus.

How to get rid of dandruff
Aloe Vera

 Use baking soda.

Use of baking soda is very reliable remedy against dandruff. It is easily available in our houses. for expected and best results apply baking soda directly on wet scalp then go for a massage for a while, after this use shampoo.


Salicylic acid is used as an ingredient in preparation of aspirin so it can be used to avoid dandruff. Because salicylic acid separate dead skin from your scalp. Mix the powder of two aspirin tablets with your shampoo and apply on your head. Let it sit for two to three minutes. You will observe significant reduction after two to three times of application.

Food choice.

Certain food items also have relation with increase of dandruff. Diet which includes high carbs may cause dandruff it is because increased carbs caused high insulin which result in reduction of oil yet dehydration of scalp.

Try to eat following food it will help you decrease dandruff:

Red meat

Green vegetables


Use olive oil in your meals


How to get rid of dandruff
Complete diet

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