How to get rid of dark circles?

 Ways to get rid of dark circles.

Everyone has some problem that affects his/her look. Dark

 circles are one of them. They are not dangerous for your body's

 health but made you look tired and dull. People try their best to

 get rid of dark circles to look better.

There are many factors that can cause dark circles, for example:

·       Genetics to some extent.

·       Ultra violet rays of the sun.

·       Age is also a factor.

·       Lack of sleep is a major reason.

·       Can be caused by dehydration.

Worry not about them, we are here to tell you some tips to get

 rid of dark circles.

Ø Apply moisture on eyes.

Dehydration is also a cause of dark circles. Lack of water leads

 to dry skin which is very prone to dark circles. Apply things to

 the eyes that moisturize them. Aloe Vera gel is a very good

moisturizer. It also nourishes and slows down the aging process

 in the skin.

Ø Use cold tea bags on eyes.

Cold tea bag is a very practical way to avoid dark circles. Tea

 bags have caffeine and anti-inflammatory ingredients in them.


 also has antioxidant properties in it. Tea bags smoothen blood

 circulation that lessens puffiness under the eyes.

Keep tea bags in the fridge for ten minutes. They are preferred


 because coldness tends to constrict swollen blood vessels. Keep

 these cold tea bags on your eyes for almost 2 minutes. You will

 feel remarkable difference.

Use of tea bags.

Are you interested in knowing the causes of balding?

Ø Get proper sleep.

Due to late-night work or other reasons one may not have

 proper sleep. Inadequate sleep is one of the main reasons for

 dark circles. Have sufficient sleep of around 6 to 7 hours to get

 rid of dark circles.

Also, try to use two or more pillows during sleep. This elevation

 will increase blood flow to the face. Increased blood flow to

 the face

 will minimize darkening under the eyes.

Ø Try to cover dark circles through makeup.

Nowadays, makeup has become a trend to look better. It can also

 be used to hide darkness under your eyes. But, beware of

 allergic reactions that can be caused by makeup. If you feel any

 symptoms consult with your dermatologist.

Know about  the harmful effects of dieting.

Cover by make up

Ø Avoid stress to get rid of dark circles.

A hectic lifestyle leads to stress and depression. These things

 may cause dark circles. So, you are supposed to remain


 Avoid stress as much as possible. Yoga exercises will help you

 to release any type of tension that may be proven to cause dark


Ø Quit smoking and alcohol.

Smoking and alcohol consumption reduces skin to age. It is


 recommended not to smoke and consume alcohol to get rid of

 dark circles.

Ø Use advance techniques to get rid of dark circles.

Following are some advanced techniques that can be used to cure

 dark circles.

Cure through laser: A laser is an intense form of light. Laser resurfaces the skin. There are chances of complications because it is a very sensitive process.

Chemical peeling: Use to treat hyperpigmentation. Chemical peels contain glycolic acid, retinoic acid, or lactic acid.

Filler: Use to block blood vessels that swell to cause


Ø Use of natural items.

Cucumber slices: Take cucumber, cut it into pieces and freeze

 for 10-20 minutes. Now place those cold slices on your eyes

 for ten minutes.

Use of cucumber slices to avoid dark circles.


         Potatoes: Raw potatoes are first frozen for some time and then just like the cucumber pieces above mentioned placed on the eyes for a while.

Cold milk: Milk contains many ingredients that can help with dark circles. Soak a cotton ball in cold milk and place it on the affected areas of the eyes. Repeat this process twice or thrice a week to get rid of dark circles.

Rose water: Rose water is very good to solve skin issues. Soak a cotton ball in rose water and put it on your eyes for ten to fifteen minutes.

Almond oil and lemon juice: Two to three drops of lemon

 juice mixed with a teaspoon of almond oil can be proved

 helpful to eliminate dark circles.

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