How to get rid of mosquitoes?

 Ways to get rid of mosquitoes.

Ø Overview

The thing at night that disturbs the most___ with no doubt is a mosquito. If you are living in a tropical region then mosquito is worse than a nightmare. It is never invited in our house but, despite of our every effort they manage to get in. They mostly feed on flower nectar, but females need blood to lay eggs.

Sometimes, their bites prove lethal because their saliva contain the germs that causes the famous diseases like malaria and dengue.

Each tear half a million people die due to malaria and about 20 thousand die due to dengue. So the question rise that how to get rid of mosquitoes?

Here are some very practical and effective ways to avoid mosquitoes:

Ø Use screens on windows.

Mostly mosquitoes enter in houses through windows to seek shelter. So use screen that prevent their entrance. Also repair the broken or damaged screen. It will be helpful to spray these screens with some repellents, it will be a great step to get rid of mosquitoes.

Screen Window
Screen window

Ø Citronella candles can be proved helpful.

Citronella candles produce pungent smell when they burn. The smell that mosquitoes hate, so they avoid it. These candles are not effective for a large area.

Citronella candles.
Ø Fly swatter can be used to get rid of mosquitoes.

If there are a lot of mosquitoes in our house use an electric fly swatter. It will help you to get rid of mosquitoes. Swatters attract insects through yellow or blue light. When insects get there they get an electric shock.

Electric fly swatter.

Ø Use oil of plants that repel mosquito.

There are various plants that repel mosquitoes just like lemon balm, lemon thyme and basil. You can use there extract to avoid mosquitoes if they are skin friendly otherwise spray these oils in your house. You have to compromise the smell but you will get rid of mosquitoes.

Plants that repel mosquitoes.

Ø Attract natural predators.

There are many birds that feed on mosquitoes. Such as purple martin. Attract them if they are available in your area. Dragon flies also feed on mosquitoes, for which it is nicknamed as “mosquito hawker”. They can really be proved helpful for getting rid of mosquitoes.

Dragonfly eating mosquito.
Ø Yellow lights attract mosquitoes toward them.

Most of the insects are attracted toward yellow light mosquitoes are also fan of bright yellow light. Lure them through light and then use some trap just like swatter to kill them. Or just place light outside your house it will decrease number if mosquitoes in your house.

yellow light attracting mosquitoes.

Ø Lemon, garlic and clove also repel mosquitoes.

Lemon, garlic and clove are some items that have deterred smell for insects they are easily available in our houses so use some sliced lemons or 2-3 pieces of garlic to effectively get rid of mosquitoes.

lemon and clove.


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