How to get rid of cockroaches?


How to get rid of cockroaches?


The most notorious insect found in kitchen on our leftover food is cockroach. They are very agile and scary. It is very difficult to get hand on them. They also cause a lot of diseases because they carry bacteria on their legs i.e. E coli. For getting rid from these scary bugs your house should be very clean otherwise it would their house.

    Aside from cleanliness there are some other ways that help to get rid of cockroaches:

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Ø Inspect the whole house and find problematic    areas.

    The first step of dealing with the insects is the inspection of your house. Determine the most affected areas. Make a list of them because most of the actions will be taken on these areas. If you have done that half of your work is complete.

Cockroach at door step.

Ø Don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink for too long.

    Cockroaches eat whatever they get. They are not very choosy. Our dirty dishes after meals are their best source of food. So, whenever they get a chance they gather in our kitchen’s sink and have a party there. So, it is best in our interest to wash the dishes as soon as possible.

Cockroach in sink.

Ø Use glue traps to get rid of cockroaches.

    Glue traps or sticky traps are always useful for getting rid of cockroaches. Place these traps with some baits on them that attract cockroaches, near their holes. Once they stick on trap they will never be able to get rid on their own. Now you can easily throw them.

Cockroach trap on a glue trap.

Ø  Apply insecticides on infected areas.

    One of the very effective and practical options for getting rid of cockroaches is to use insecticides. These chemicals will kill all insects including cockroaches. Boric acid, Endrin, and Endosulfan are some of the much-known insecticides that are frequently used to get rid of insects.

Cockroaches killed by pesticide.

Ø Don’t let dirty water stand near your house.

    Like most insects, cockroaches need moisture for living. They love water that is standing in a place for a long time. There they can find food easily. So, if you have some dirty pool near your house or an ill-managed sewerage system near your residence then your cockroaches are going to be your nightmare. As soon as you will get rid of dirty water that will be helpful to eliminate cockroaches from your house.

Ø Avoid food crumbs on floor.

    As discussed earlier that cockroaches eat whatever they get. After finishing meals or feeding your pets there are always little food crumbs on your floor. These crumbs attract cockroaches so vacuum them. Cockroaches have no attraction to clean floors.

Cockroach feeding on food crumbs. 


·       Wash your dishes immediately after finishing your meals.

·       Make sure that you have seal every potential source of entry for them.

·       Regularly check traps that you have planted.

·       Keep your bathrooms neat and clean.

·       Grow plants that repel insects. i.e. mint.

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